Monday, July 23, 2012

Positive Prank Calls!!

Donations - Positive Prank Calls!!.
The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Before the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Positive Prank Calls!!.

Do you know about - Positive Prank Calls!!

Donations ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the actual about Donations . You see this article for information about what you wish to know is Donations .

How is Positive Prank Calls!!

Positive Prank Calls!! Video Clips. Duration : 3.55 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donations . In which Hank calls random strangers in his town and tells them encouranging and true facts about our world. I couldn't fit all of them in, and I had to cut a few of them down (and maybe re-film a couple because they took so embarrassingly long for me to say) but I've included the script I used which has all of the positive facts I used in my positive prank calls. ----- In the last 100 years, the human lifespan has increased by over 35 years. 100 years ago the average lifespan was only 45 years. Now it's almost 80. And that number is increasing every year. If it keeps increasing at that same rate, the average lifespan of a child born in 2008 will be 98 years old. Teen pregnancy, smoke and drug use have all decreased significantly since the 1990s Rates of cancer have decreased steadily in the US for 20 years and it's not just because people aren't smoking as much, though that's certainly part of it. It's also because new screening techniques that can detect pre-cancerous lesions in the colon and also because of the HPV vaccine which prevents the virus that causes cervical cancer. Small Pox once killed millions of people per year, now it has been completely eradicated. It literally does not exist anymore. Since 1990, global poverty rates have decreased by more than 30%. And they're on-track to have decreased 40% by 2015. Divorce rates are much lower than people assume, and have consistently dropped since the 1970's in America. Only 20% of people who got married in the 1980s ...
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