Monday, June 18, 2012

Ingenuity Delivers powerful Results

Am Vets - Ingenuity Delivers powerful Results
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Do you know about - Ingenuity Delivers powerful Results

Am Vets! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

One of the most ingenious inventions ever has been delivering suited results from the time it was invented. From it has come recorded history, literary masterpieces, works of art, mathematical problem solving, musical composition, architectural drawings and the thank you note. I am talking about the pencil. It has been nearby in assorted forms for some 300 years.

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How is Ingenuity Delivers powerful Results

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We know it today as graphite encased by wood. It began as a Roman stylus. Anything form, it has made it potential for us to narrate better. Different concepts over the years have enhanced its appearance and improved its functionality. The mechanical pencil, the fountain pen, the ballpoint pen, the typewriter, copiers, printing presses and, yes, the computer and computer systems can link their patrimony as communications tools to the pencil.

Along the way, each revising has provided greater value. One enhancement, the fountain pen, was invented by insurance salesman Lewis Waterman in 1884 after a valuable ageement document was destroyed by ink spilling from the pen that he was using. He patented a pen with a built-in ink well and made the opinion of the ink pen better.

Similarly in today's world of involved computer improvement and software creation, there is an invention that is so ingenious you ask "how in the world did person think of that?" It, too, is a transportation tool.

It is not in fact a writing, printing or duplicating instrument. It is a technology that makes it easier, more productive and less precious to fetch quantities of written documents, art prints, musical scores, technical manuals, every year reports, catalogues or any image that can be put on paper, plastic, textiles, wood, metal or any other substrate. It is a new technology for ordering and buying printing, and, for that matter, all customized goods and services. Customized goods and services are basically non-inventoried items that are produced agreeing to specifications following the issuance of a buy order, like market printing and direct mail.

Called the automated vendor option (Avs) TechnologyTm, it does for print procurement what the pencil did for the stylus, the fountain pen for the ink well, and the computer for the typewriter. It makes its possible, with the click of a mouse, to put a print job out for bid to just those printers capable of doing the work. Those not suited for the job are not included. All printers that are determined are pre-approved by the buyer so there is no doubt about their capabilities and dependability when it comes to delivering ability work on time, regardless of price. Each pre-qualified printer is entered into the buyer's database of printers.

The true uniqueness of Avs TechnologyTm becomes apparent when the computer does the automated matching to originate a suited list of vendors ready to price in a competing bidding environment. Within that environment, printers know that the buyer sets bidding parameters that encourage low pricing. Typically, this means printers are free to price a job high, low or not at all based on their own respective needs to fill production gaps -- an ongoing challenge for printers since most have 30% or more of their production schedules to fill at any given time. Printers bidding low do not have to worry about the buyer expecting the same low pricing for other work, because all involved know the same printer is unlikely to have open capacity to fill every job the buyer puts out for bid. The winning bidder wins work to keep earnings flowing and staff and tool busy, and the buyer saves 25% to 50% on the print job.

The process does not stop with the awarding of the job. The process has just begun. The communications and workflow principles that drives this process tracks and archives every detail, from opinion to planning to changes to production, packaging, delivery and invoicing. It is a fetch (no e-mails), web-based principles that is tailored to the needs of each buyer. It also is a principles through which the buyer and the printer decree who on their teams should have passage and when. Accountability is established early on, and every decision is documented so all involved know who approved what along the way. This provides 100% transparency. The archive created for each job is an indelible, auditable and invaluable reference for similar work in the future.

Automated vendor option TechnologyTm was invented in 1998 after it became apparent that there must be a best way of locating, vetting and contracting with printers. Face-to-face negotiations, endless interviewing of new printer candidates and lack of competition seemed to be bogging down what could be a streamlined process given the power of computers. Avs was born. Patents for it were awarded by the United States Patent Office in 2002, 2008 and 2010. It is today changing how print is bought for license holders. Avs Technology is a 21st century example of how ingenuity delivers suited results.

About e-Lynxx Corporation
e-Lynxx Corporation developed the patented technology integral to e-commerce. Endorsed by Educational & Institutional Cooperative Purchasing (E&I) and Printing Industries of America (Pia), e-Lynxx drives results through its three divisions.
— Patented Procurement method licenses the automated vendor option Technology (Avs TechnologyTm) used in e-commerce and procurement systems.
— American Print supervision provides systems, services and the patented Avs TechnologyTm to sacrifice substantially the procured costs of direct mail, marketing materials, labels, packaging and other procured print.
— Government Print supervision offers productive U.S. Gpo bid services and strategies. Http:// - 888-876-5432

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