Sunday, May 20, 2012

Pet preparation Prior to Disaster remarkable

Am Vets - Pet preparation Prior to Disaster remarkable
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Do you know about - Pet preparation Prior to Disaster remarkable

Am Vets! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

June is speedily approaching and for most coastal regions the understanding of a hurricane begins to creep into our minds.

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How is Pet preparation Prior to Disaster remarkable

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Am Vets.

We come to be concerned about the security of our homes, our pets and ourselves.

However, hurricanes are not the only disasters that can confront our well being and that of our pets. Floods, wildfires, tornadoes, riots and terrorists attacks add to the list of things that can happen.

The foremost thing is to have a plan. Hurricane Katrina was a disaster that displaced not only thousands of habitancy but displaced many animals and unfortunately many died along with their owners. It is said that almost 44 percent of Hurricane Katrina's victims were pet owners that would not leave their pets.

Until Katrina hit, our country was not too pet kindly in the light of disasters. Most, if not all, did not allow pets of any kind to be brought to a designated shelter.

Currently many states are now providing shelters for owners and their pets providing they follow safe bet restrictions. Red Cross shelters however, will not allow pets. It is not their rule, but that of the local condition departments. A Red Cross shelter is for the advantage of those who do not have pets, who are afraid of pets or who have allergies to pets.

It is up to "you" the pet owner to check your local facilities and see what shelters will allow pets and what size and kind of pet is allowed.

Planning ahead for yourself and your pet should be at the top of your list of things to do. The qoute with expand making ready is that many of us go into the "denial mode." We tell ourselves that anyone the disaster is "it is not going to involve us." Then it hits and we are not even prepared for ourselves let alone our pets.

So what should a pet owner do? In the following paragraphs I am going to give you some tips on how to keep your cat or dog as safe as humanly possible. The foremost thing is to remember you need to get ready before a disaster strikes.

A disaster kit should be large enough to include all the things you usually need for your pet for at least a 7-day period. It should be waterproof (a plastic container with a tight fitting lid) and labeled "disaster supplies cat or dog."

These are just a few suggestions to guide you in making ready for a disaster. The most foremost thing is to be prepared and ready to move when the time arrives.

If you are in doubt as to whether or not you should take your pet ask yourself this question; "would I leave a young child here to cope?" If the riposte is no, than take your pet.

What can you do for your pet if you cannot take it
with you? This is in the case of a hurricane or flood. In case of a fire or a tornado warning do not leave your pet.

If you are facing a hurricane, do not leave your pet outside. A bathroom, a closet or a room without too many windows is a good place to start. If you have a basement, keep your pet there.

Here is where a "self feeder" for dry food comes in handy. Fill it with as much dry food as it will hold. If you are leaving several pets get several feeders. If the self-feeders are not possible, leave dry food in containers the dogs or cats can get to. Leave fullness of water in containers that cannot be knocked over.

Leave several articles of clothing that you have recently worn with the pet, your scent will provide some comfort.

Expect a mess when you come home.

Put Id tags on the pet with all valuable information.
Leave your vet's name and information along with a note giving permission for someone other than you to get treatment for the pet if necessary. Put this information in a plastic bag and nail it to a wall or door so it is visible.

If there is danger of a flood you need to provide places of higher elevation for the pet to get to.

In case of a flood, the cellar is absolutely not the place to keep your pet. If you have an idea of the possible flood level, establish some type of area for the pet to climb onto to stay dry. Pile up furniture and originate a level space that the pet can reach. Make safe bet there is food and water ready for your pet to eat at floor level and on the higher space.

If you are leaving your dog outside, do not tie or chain it up. Dogs can be left in garages, barns, sheds or even a flat roof (provide a large board in case you are in a sunny area, as a roof can get very hot and burn a pet's pads.)

Wherever you leave your dog, be safe bet that it can reach a higher level and that there is food and water there for your pet to eat and drink.

Do not leave treats, vitamins or supplements out for your pet, provide only dry food and water.

If your pet is a cat the same instructions apply. Make safe bet that the cat has a high place to stepping back to in case of high water and that you have located food and water in that location.

Refrigerators, tall entertainment centers or a shelf in a closet can provide security for your cat. About cats leave a litter box in the location you have chosen.

Making arrangements with a neighbor to keep an eye on your pet if you are not nearby when the disaster is due to happen is a good idea. Give your neighbor the valuable veterinarian information and a note allowing permission for treatment if you are not available.
Above all preplan and be ready.

If you are going on vacation be safe bet to check with the kennel or with the someone who is caring for your animals to see if they have a disaster plan. This is where preplanning on your part is important. Have your disaster kit ready for them to use if necessary.

Leaving a pet is a heart-wrenching thing to do and please do not do it unless it is actually the only thing you can do. Just writing that sentence has reduced me to tears, as I know I could not leave my pets under any circumstances.

However, if it is necessary, please do your best to provide for the security and well being of your pet.

Disasters do happen and you can be prepared.

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