Friday, May 25, 2012

Stem Cell Regenerative Therapy For Dogs Brings Real Results

Am Vets - Stem Cell Regenerative Therapy For Dogs Brings Real Results
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Do you know about - Stem Cell Regenerative Therapy For Dogs Brings Real Results

Am Vets! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Stem cells are presently one of the hottest topics. Study in this field is causing both a lot of excitement and controversy. However, one way or another, this might well be the hereafter of medicine.

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How is Stem Cell Regenerative Therapy For Dogs Brings Real Results

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Am Vets.

The biggest imagine for controversy is the Study into healing use of embryonic stem cells. However, there are many applications where adult stem cells will do the job just as well, if not better, and this Study is controversy free.

Veterinary application of adult stem cell therapy is way ahead of human application. Horses and dogs have been successfully treated for several years now.

A California based company, Vet-Stem, industrialized a technology of using adult stem cells to treat degenerative disease and orthopedic soft tissue injuries in horses and dogs. Vet-Stem recently predominant a milestone of 5000 treated animals.

Adult stem cells are found in an adult body and their purpose is to regenerate dying or damaged tissues. They are body's healing force. It is a warehouse of what you could call blank cells, which are ready to come to be any type of specialized cells as needed, such as blood cells, skin cells, muscle sells... Not even a simple scratch would heal without them.

This clearly defined purpose of adult stem cells makes it definite why Study into harvesting this healing power would be a very enthralling field. This is what they do. Now it is just a inquire of putting them to work.

Vet-Stem Regenerative Veterinary medicine industrialized a technology of harvesting this healing power. Their technology uses adult stem cells from the patient's own fat tissue. Who would have though that there is such a inherent hiding in the fat!

In dogs, a Vet-Stem certified veterinarian will excerpt a small number of the fat tissue from the dog's shoulder, chest or abdomen area, and overnight them to Vet-Stem to be processed. Vet-Stem extracts the cells from the fat tissue and ships them back to the certified vet, who then injects them into the site of injury or disease.

Once the stem cells enter the site, they get to work regenerating what has been damaged. So simple.

Not only all this sounds very good on paper, but it works and it is helping dogs to come to be pain free and to accumulate their capability of life. Some extraordinary results are being reported about victorious treatments. Dogs suffering with arthritis, hip dysplasia, and other degenerative conditions and injuries are benefiting from the treatment. Drug free and pain free! I know, because our dog is one of the benefiting patients.

The medicine is presently ready in North America and Middle East, and it will soon come to be ready in Australia also.

Unlike other treatments, such as Nsaids, this therapy addresses the root of the question without the danger of serious side effects.

The only downside I can see is that this medicine does wish a minor surgical operation and the dog needs to be anesthetized both for the tissue extraction and the injections. Precision is of essence when injecting into the joints.

However, unused doses can be banked for hereafter use, and now Vet-Stem can also grow additional cells if needed. This eliminates the need to repeat the fat tissue extraction surgery.

I find it sad, that in the gift time, regenerative therapy is often determined only after all other treatments failed. I for one am a big advocate of this treatment, and I am hoping that in the near hereafter habitancy will think regenerative therapy before mental drugs.

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