Thursday, May 24, 2012

Some effective Techniques to Stop Cat Spraying

Am Vets - Some effective Techniques to Stop Cat Spraying
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Do you know about - Some effective Techniques to Stop Cat Spraying

Am Vets! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

If you have a cat in your home, then we are sure you have caught your cat backing up on your furniture, intensely quivering those hindquarters as their tail is lifted into the air directing a stream of urine onto the surface. So, what can you do about that spraying? Is there a way to stop cat spraying? Did you know that this is a coarse qoute for many household's with cats?

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How is Some effective Techniques to Stop Cat Spraying

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Am Vets.

First, we will need to look at why cats do this type of behavior. Cats have a strong odor. This is because it has a fatty ingredient in it that causes it to stick to an object. Because of this, the smell is going to be strong. Spraying is their way of marking their territory. It's their way of telling other cats in their area that they are present.

When a male cat is not neutered, the smell is more pungent. Some believe that it's only male cats that mark their spot, however, it is both male and female cats. Male cats have a tendency to spray more oftentimes because of their testosterone to mark their territory.

If your cat has never had this type of behavior before and they all of a sudden start doing it, then it is foremost to take them to the vet in order to get a check-up. There could be some illnesses that re causing this. For instance, Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease would cause your cat to spray. The vet will naturally take a urine test in order to decree if they have this. Luckily, this illness can be treated.

Another hypothesize your cat could be spraying is because of stress. Believe it or not, felines do get stressed at times. There are a whole of factors that can cause the feline to be stressed. If your feline begins this behavior, then you need to ask yourself some questions. Have you had a new expanding to your family? Have you recently had a loud party? Have you moved homes? If so, then your feline could be stressed and this could trigger that type of behavior.

The quiz, still remains - how do you stop cats from spraying? Now that we know why our feline friend is spraying, it is time to learn how to stop him or her. There are a whole of options here that you can do. Those options are listed below:

You can get the cat fixed. This is the whole one remedy for stopping the cat from spraying. This will stop the qoute in seventy eight percent of cases. In nine percent, it will stop in two months and unfortunately, thirteen percent will not stop.

There is also medication that can help with this problem. Speak with your vet about this matter as they may give you an anti-anxiety drug for your pet.

There are also mechanical devices and sprays that will stop cats from spraying. Do your explore on the matter and you will be on the right track.

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